how to choose the best skincare products May 03, 2015

Choosing Skin care products that are the best suited for your skin is quite a task. Usually all of us do some guesswork and follow trial and error method. With our simple guide, you could now understand the skincare products much better and make sound decisions.

If you pick up any of the skin care product and read the ingredients, there is a fewer chance that you will understand what each component does to your skin, unless you are a chemistry expert.

These names written come under the cosmetic ingredients list that are maintained by international standards. But as these names are not consumer friendly, there is adding of local names like Vitamin E for Tocopherol.

Since understanding such ingredients are harder, it is seen that people opt for popular choices, beauty influencers suggestion or any regime that celebrities mention. Following such a practice sure could help in discovering some great products but also could do more harm than good.

The first and foremost thing to understand about skincare products and regime is that, it isn’t a one size fits all situation. What works for your sister, might not actually work for you.

This is the reason to opt for individualized or personalized skincare regime. The step begins with finding the right skincare products, the right ingredients and the right amount and frequency. If all of this feels very overwhelming, there are dermatologists to help you through this.

We have listed down some steps in which you can create your very own skincare regime. One that is the perfect choice for your skin type and concern.

1. Know your skin type

This is definitely the first step in choosing any skincare product. It is a general rule that there are no bad products as such, just a wrong product for your skin type.

If you are someone with acne prone or sensitive skin, you need to make sure that your products don’t produce more oil and grease that could aggravate the problem.

Renowned dermatologists mention that there are certain products that re targeted for the particular skin type.

Oily Skin: These skin types should be using products with glycolic acid or salicylic acid. The popular hyaluronic acid needs to be part of the regime as well. These help with controlling the sebum production and helps in hydrating the skin optimally.

Dry Skin: Using products with shea butter, lactic acid could help in exfoliating and hydration to the areas of skin.

Sensitive Skin: Use products with aloe vera, oatmeal, shea butter that will be soothing and moisturizing.

The trick here is to figure out which your skin type is. There are multiple simple tests online that helps with determining your skin type. Use the right ingredients for your skin and choose such products.

2. Don’t get into the popularity hoax

With curated ads and beautyvloggers mentioning products left and right, it is almost impossible to fall into the trap. When someone is giving you a recommendation, be sure to check more than just their skin before opting to invest in the product.

What type their skin is will be a more reliable indicator here. Popular skincare brands make sure to sell their products to you. But you need to make sure that it suits your skin and not just any influencer recommendations.

Thepopularity vote just doesn’t work. You know your skin better than anybody else and be sure to check out the right products for the same. Checking the ingredients list is still the best way to go, no matter how many positive reviews or stars the product has online.

3. Ingredients to choose

Dermatologists always seem to mention some standard ingredients that one can check before buying the product.

1. Glycerin

This product is often termed as the backbone when it comes to moisturizing. The first step of skincare regime is to hydrate the skin efficiently

2. Ceramides and hyaluronic acid

These two compounds are naturally found in the skin. You can include them into the regime as well. It is usually looked that hyaluronic acid could in serum form and ceramides through the lotions.

3. Vitamin C

Scientifically known as L ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that helps with rejuvenating skin and enhance the collagen production.

4. Vitamin E

Tocopherol is similar in function as the Vitamin C but together they are a great combination for the skincare.

5. Retinol

This is one of the major ingredients necessary especially in your night skincare regime. This helps in enhancing collagen and revamping the dead cells.

6. Vitamin B3

This ingredient helps in controlling the oil production and also hydrates the skin optimally. Evens out the entire skin equally.

Ingredients to stay steer clear of

1. Extremely fragrant ones

The skincare products with fragrances usually cause irritation and allergies. If you have a sensitive skin, be sure to avoid such products.

2. Sulfates

These are usually ingredients found in baths, shampoos for cleansing. This does strip all the oil for the scalp leaving it dry and irritated.

3. Parabens

These are chemicals that will avoid any sort of bacterial infections. This is supposed to have harmful effects on our body system and hormonal balance.

4. Formaldehyde

This is named under the carcinogen category and are very rarely found in any product as it is. These are potential allergens even when used in very low quantities.

4. Natural may not always imply quality.

It's nice to read familiar phrases in the ingredients list, but it doesn't always mean you're on the right track.

There is also the warning that seeing the labels "natural" and "organic" on a product label is sometimes just a marketing ploy. They can make hollow promises because those terms aren't regulated and there aren't established industry standards for them. Furthermore, a product may be branded as natural if only one or two of the substances on the list are natural

5. Pay attention to the sequence in which the ingredients are listed.

Once you've decided which major elements you want to avoid or pursue, pay attention to where they appear on the ingredients list. A dermatologist recommends looking at the first five ingredients because they make up about 80% of the product's makeup.

Ingredients will be given in order of highest to lowest concentration, so if one of the first five ingredients is problematic or potentially unpleasant, you should avoid that product. Similarly, if you're looking for certain ingredients in a product, but they're only stated towards the end, that product isn't worth your money.

6. Don't be put off by the lengthy ingredient list.

When it comes to the food we eat, we're typically trained to look for a list of ingredients that is shorter and more familiar. While a shorter list may be easier to understand, it may not always be enough to produce the results you want from your skincare products.

The ingredients list will inevitably grow lengthier if you're looking for anti-aging qualities or investing in medical-grade skin care products.

7. Make the most of your resources.

To choose skincare products with the proper components, you don't need to be a walking dictionary. Take advantage of online resources to make things a bit simpler for yourself. EWG's Skin Deep database and CosDNA are two online databases for ingredient and product research.

The EWG Skin Deep database is just one part of their extensive web offerings. Skincare products are assessed and scored in the Skin-Deep database based on a variety of characteristics, including production processes and potential health dangers.

CosDNA is a more basic database, but it delves even deeper into a product's contents, outlining their unique roles and safety ratings.

8. Always do a patch test

In your product elimination process, a patch test is a good idea. It's time to put those test products to good use. A patch test can help you figure out if specific products or substances will irritate your skin, create allergic responses, or clog your pores.

It takes a bit more time at beginning to test all of your ingredients before committing to them, but it will save you a lot of money and effort in the long run.

9. Determine what products you need in the regime

Now that you've determined your skin type, it's time to determine the items you'll require. A cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen should be included in the most basic skincare routine. It's entirely up to you if you want to use extra products such as serums or face masks.

Just be careful not to overdo it—too many products can really cause more damage than good. Look for a cleanser that is made specifically for your skin type.

If you have oily skin, for example, you might want to try an oil-free gel cleanser. Look for a moisturizing cream cleanser if you have dry skin. When it comes to toners, choose one that suits your skin's demands.

10. Consider the budget for the skincare products

Simply because something is more expensive does not mean it is better for you. There is a plethora of excellent drugstore items available. However, if you have the financial means, there's nothing wrong with splurging on a high-end goods.

It all comes down to figuring out what works best for you and your budget. You can also save money on skincare products by looking for sales or coupons. It doesn't have to be difficult or expensive to take care of your skin. You can find out which products are suitable for you and create a skincare program that fits your lifestyle and budget by following these guidelines.

11. Have patience.

Being patient is one of the most important things to remember while selecting skincare products. Finding items that work for you can take some time, and your skincare routine may need to adjust as your skin changes.

So don't be disheartened if finding the appropriate products for you requires some trial and error. Simply keep experimenting until you find a regimen that suits you.

If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to seek the advice of another medical practitioner. They can assist you in determining which products are appropriate for your skin and provide guidance on how to apply them safely and effectively.

12. Take pleasure in your new skincare routine

It's time to relax and enjoy your new skincare routine now that you've found the correct items for your skin. Using cosmetics designed for your skin type can make a significant impact in how your skin looks and feels. So, take your time to identify goods that work for you and play around with them until you find a regimen that you enjoy. It will be beneficial to your skin!

So, take your time to identify goods that work for you and play around with them until you find a regimen that you enjoy. It will be beneficial to your skin!

If you want to improve your skin, try the following suggestions:

  • Use a gentle cleanser twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, on your face.
  • Exfoliate on a regular basis to get rid of dead skin cells and avoid clogged pores.
  • Even if it's cloudy outdoors, use sunscreen every day. Even if you can't see UV rays, they can harm your skin.
  • Keep your skin hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water.
  • Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep every night so your skin can heal and renew.

These are some tips that could help in figuring out your skin type. Once you know what your skin needs you can curate the right skincare products for it. Everything from the ingredients you pit on the skin to things you have to void will finally help with the skin health and radiance.

And by considering your budget, you can find products that fit both your needs and your wallet. So, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect routine for you!

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